Painted floor cloths are very easy to make even for the novice painter.A simple way to create a floorcloth is to use vinyl floor coverings which eliminates the tedious preparation work needed for canvas. Buy a piece of vinyl remnant and turn it over so that you are actually painting on the paper backing. We have found that most Home Depots carry a product called "The Gold Label Collection by Natco Co" This vinyl floor is sold in a plastic wrapped roll in sizes such as 3'x6' for $4.99 and even as large as a 6'x9' for $18.99. Any flooring store will sell Vinyl remenants very inexpensively, the other benefit is that its very easy to work with. It easily cuts with sissors or an exacto knife. Again, making sure you use the back of the vinyl floor, simply prime it and then base paint with the background color you choose for your floor cloth or project ( we like two coats with a roller) This can be done in place on your floor if you slide newspapers or a drop cloth under the edges of your project to protect your floor. Once your base coat is dry, you are ready to stencil your design. When your floor cloth is completely dry, protect it with several coats of water base acrylic or polyurethane, make sure you protect your edges as well. Once dry, your floor cloth will stand up to heavy traffic and even mop and water cleaning for years to come.
Check Out our 5' round floor cloth stencil as painted by Patti McDowell of www.pattisprimitives.com The cost of the vinly floor used to make this floor cloth was less than $15.00 to purchase at Home Depot.
Stencil for this floor cloth and other co-oridinating stencils coming soon on our site!